Our Services
Delivering impressive and amazing design for your dream h0me solutions. To meet your needs.
Architectural Design
To carry on the business of business exchange in all aspects of business or industries mainly concerning on Architecture techniques involving Design and Build and whatsoever that may be desirable or beneficial for all or any of the Company's objects.
Project Management
To carry on any other business which may seem to the Company capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with its business or calculated directly or indirectly to enchance the value of the render profitable any of the Company's property or rights.
Interior Design
To designing the interior decoration of a room or building. It involved conceptual development, communicating with the stakeholders of a project and the managment and execution of the design.
Civil & Structural Engineering
To carry on business as project Management, Advisers and Consultants, to governments, business, Commerce Industry and engineering in all their branches and in particular to advise upon direct or managethe accounting, budgetary and other costing business methods and system.
Urban Planning
To carry on the business of construction and undertake the construction projects and to erect and construct houses, building or work of every descriptions on any land of the company or upon other lands or property and to pull down, rebuild, enlarge, alter and improve existing houses, buildings or work.
Property Development
To carry on te business of housing and property developer and building construction involving architecture tasks and to erect and construct houses, building and work of every descriptions on any land of the company upon other lands or property.